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הרצאות וסדנאות

Lectures & workshops


As an active researcher with rich and diverse experience, I enjoy giving talks and presentations in various professional, academic and public events, conferences and organizations in Israel and around the world. In my lectures and workshops, I integrate research and practice of evidence-based applied and experiential tools. ​ 

Selected Topics     


* Positive Psychology and well-being   


* Meaning in life as a resource for resilience and optimal living  


* Prioritizing meaning and meaningful work: Evidence-based applications  


* Positive growth from adversity and beyond  


* Processes of spiritual change and development  


* Education for meaning and meaningful education  


*Millennials' search for meaning  


* Wholeness and optimal development across the lifespan  


* Finding my authentic voice - a joint lecture with Osnat Shir-Vishinsky based on the Children's book "Finding my voice" 


*Meaning as a personal and a communal resilience resource-


*Illuminating the darkness: The power of meaning in times of pain and crisis


*Meaning pathways: Applicable tools to recalibrate the internal compass (applied workshop)


*From the pursuit of happiness to prioritizing "the big rocks" in life


Among my clients

"The best way to predict the future is to create it"

 Peter Druker

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